
Academy of Athens

Рекомендуют 32 местных жителя,
28 Λεωφ. Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου

Советы местных жителей

October 15, 2015
National institution for sciences, humanities & fine arts in a landmark 1800s neoclassical building.
July 28, 2015
The modern academy of Athens
January 14, 2022
Must visit, beautiful neoclassical building with Apollo, Athena, Plato, Socrates on hand.
March 16, 2020
The Academy of Athens is Greece's national academy, and the highest research establishment in the country. The building was designed as part of an architectural "trilogy" in 1859 by the Danish architect Theophil Hansen, along with the University and the National Library. According the opinion of experts it is considered as the most beautiful neoclassical building in the world.
The Academy of Athens is Greece's national academy, and the highest research establishment in the country. The building was designed as part of an architectural "trilogy" in 1859 by the Danish architect Theophil Hansen, along with the University and the National Library. According the opinion of exp…
Georgios & Zinovia
July 8, 2016
The Academy of Athens forms part of the so-called "Neoclassical Trilogy" of the City of Athens: Academy - University - Library. It consists of aesthetically distinct parts that form a harmonic ensemble of built mass. A corridor connects the two lateral wings to the main body of the building, which -in its proportions of line and mass- is set-off by its Ionian-style entrance and its big pediment. The entrance has elements originating from the eastern side of Erechtheion, on Acropolis. The predominant material on the facets is marble. Overall, the building is a characteristic example of mature Neoclassicism.
The Academy of Athens forms part of the so-called "Neoclassical Trilogy" of the City of Athens: Academy - University - Library. It consists of aesthetically distinct parts that form a harmonic ensemble of built mass. A corridor connects the two lateral wings to the main body of the building, which…

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